Friday, May 30, 2008

old friends and big mouths

So when did politicians become responsible for every word ever uttered by anyone who supports them? It’s getting really old, the one-step-removed ‘gotcha’ game of digging up some old preacher or acquaintance of a candidate and finding some ancient, idiotic quote.

First of all, no one can control anyone else. Not what they say, not what they think. That said, I mean, sure, if you hung out regularly with a guy who was a Klan member, I’d have some questions about your own values, not to mention your judgment. If your spiritual advisor was Moonbat Zatfig, of the church of the Blessed Flaming Newt, then yes, I would want to know a little more.

But this notion that any candidate can be flayed on anything that has ever been said by any of his supporters is ridiculous. And to have to go on tv and explain how they disavow, repudiate, and deny three times this former friend is doubly absurd.

If I had to explain all the words any of my idiot friends ever said, much less take responsibility for those words, I would never have time to do anything else. More to the point, if MY friends ever had to explain some of the things I’ve said over the years...well I wouldn’t have many friends left. This game is another example of how the mainstream media is joyfully rendering itself obsolete by continuing with the same tired hackery and games that keep the 24-hour news cycle humming along and make us all a little bit dumber for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama all the way... Let's change something...