Sunday, October 28, 2007

am i weird?

so, this has happened to me a few times over the past several months, and i wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. it only happens on nights when i've been drinking, so i thought some of my lushy friends could help.

it's a little disconcerting, and a little embarrassing, but what happens is i distinctly remember going to bed -- i even attempted to read a few pages, but the book was all wobbly for some reason -- but i wake up in the morning on the couch.

i have no recollection of getting up, i don't think i woke up in the night even to go to the bathroom -- i mean, i was passed the fuck out. but somehow, somewhere in my brain, it seemed like a good idea to get up and go lie down on the couch. the tv wasn't on, so i don't think i was watching, and even if i was, i was unconscious while i was watching it.

also, if it was a sort of sleepwalking decision to go watch tv, i would have gotten dressed (i woke up naked on the couch).


luckily i live alone.

unlike the people in england who work at budget motels and have been seeing an increase in nekkid sleepwalkers.

i don't mean to bring nakidity into it, it's just that that shows that it wasn't like i was awake at some point, made a conscious decision to get up (which would imply getting dressed) and go watch tv, and then just forgot about it by morning, right?

anyway, does anyone else have any sleepwalking -- or 'drunkwalking' -- stories?



Anonymous said...

True Story: I once drank up, but remember hanging out and then going to bed (with my boyfriend!)...

And then I inexplicably woke up in the early hours of dawn, outside, on my deck, curled onto a couple outdoor-furniture type pillows that were stacked on a bench.

I, too, was butt-ass naked.

I, too, was completely baffled.

I, too, will never live this shit down.

wasabius said...

ha ha! that's awesome. outside, even! lol.
thanks for letting me know i'm not the only one. :)

Anonymous said...

I once woke up in the wee hours of the morning, went to a corner, pissed on the rug, then went back to bed. then i blamed it on the cat.